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                George Harrison (1943-2001)

                          Heading for the Light

First Line: I've wandered around with nothing more than time on my hands

This song is protected by copyright and cannot be displayed without permission of the copyright holder. It can be found on:

  • Traveling Wilburys. Volume One [CD]. Warner Brothers, 1988.

    Harrison's distinguished musical career included two solo albums and three singles that charted number one in the United States. The above song was recorded while Harrison was a member of the Traveling Wilburys, and the lyrics are officially credited to that group as a whole. However, several sources give Harrison the writing credit (the other members of the group were: Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty). Harrison was also a key member of another moderately successful musical group, The Beatles, and recorded twenty number one singles and nineteen number one albums with them.