George Darley (1795-1846)
from Harvest-Home
Down the dimpled green-sward dancing
Bursts a flaxen-headed bevy,
Bud-lipt boys and girls advancing
Love's irregular little levy.
Rows of liquid eyes in laughter,
How they glimmer, how they quiver !
Sparkling one another after,
Like bright ripples on a river.
Tipsy band of rubious faces,
Flushed with joy's etheral spirit,
Make your mocks and sly grimaces
At Love's self, and do not fear it !
The above excerpt appears near the middle of the poem Harvest-Home,
which can be found in its entirety in:
Darley, George. The Complete Poetical Works of George Darley.
Ramsay Colles, ed. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1908.
The excerpt can also be found under the title The Joy of Childhood in:
Griswold, Rufus W., ed. The Poetry of the Passions.
New York: Butler Brothers Incorporated, 188?.