An * indicates the poem is protected by copyright and
only a reference is provided.
While all of the past selections are listed, several have
yet to be converted to the new format and/or linked.
The "renovation" is 86.7% complete.
Adams, Franklin P. -
A Ballad of Baseball Burdens
Us Potes
Akhmatova, Anna -
Crucifixion (from Requiem; trans. by J. Hemschemeyer) *
Allingham, William -
O Spirit of the Summertime
The Fairies
American Folk Song -
The Great Titanic
Ammons, A.R. -
Layabout *
Anacreon -
The Thracian Filly
(trans. by W. Headlam)
Anacreontea -
The Wounded Cupid
(trans. by R. Herrick)
Angelou, Maya -
Caged Bird *
Anonymous -
I Saw a Peacock with a Fiery Tail
Appleman, Philip -
O Karma, Dharma, pudding and pie *
Arnold, Edwin, Sir -
Woman's Voice
Arnold, Matthew -
Dover Beach
Atwood, Margaret -
Habitation *
Auden, W.H. -
Preface (from The Sea and the Mirror) *
That night when joy began (from Five Songs) *
The Unknown Citizen *
Baker, Karle Wilson -
At the Picture-Show
Let Me Grow Lovely *
Bazner, Amanda H. -
Four Generations
Beattie, James -
Behn, Aphra -
Love Arm'd (from Abdelazer, or the Moor's Revenge)
Benét, Rosemary and Stephen Vincent -
Christopher Columbus *
Miles Standish *
Bennett, William Cox -
Invocation to Rain in Summer
Berlin, Irving -
White Christmas *
Bible -
Song of Songs 8:8-9
Blake, William -
The Garden of Love
Blair, Ross -
The Office
Bono -
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Brasel, Stevan -
Brine, Mary Dow -
Grandpa and His "Dear"
Somebody's Mother
Brock, Edwin -
Five Ways To Kill a Man *
Brontë, Emily -
Love and Friendship
Brooks, Gwendolyn -
A Penitent Considers Another Coming of Mary *
In Honor of David Anderson Brooks, My Father *
my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell *
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett -
How do I love thee? (from Sonnets from the Portuguese)
The Best Thing in the World
Browning, Robert -
The year's at the spring (from Pippa Passes)
Two in the Campagna
Bryant, William Cullen -
To the Fringed Gentian
Burns, Robert -
The Day Returns, My Bosom Burns
Byron, George Gordon, Lord -
She Walks in Beauty
When We Two Parted
Cameron, Kenneth M. -
The Scythetree *
Campbell, Thomas -
Song in Praise of Miss Isabella Johnston
A Thought Suggested by the New Year
Campion, Thomas -
Now Winter Nights Enlarge
There is a Garden in Her Face
Canaday, John -
Entrée *
Carew, Thomas -
Ask Me No More
Mediocrity in Love Rejected
Carman, William Bliss -
Lord of the Far Horizons
Carroll, Lewis -
Jabberwocky (from Through the Looking Glass)
Cartwright, William -
No Platonic Love
Catullus -
Lesbia Rails (trans. by J. Swift)
Chaucer, Geoffrey -
from The Parliament of Fowls, "A garden saw I"
Chesterton, G. K. -
The Strange Music
The World State *
Child, Lydia Maria -
Thanksgiving Day
Clewell, David -
Vegetarian Physiscs *
Clough, Arthur Hugh -
That Out of Sight Is Out of Mind
The Latest Decalogue
Cohen, Leonard -
Suzanne Takes You Down *
Collins, Billy -
Litany *
Cook, Eliza -
Cook, Marc -
The Weather in Verse
Cookson, Paul -
The Day After The Day After Boxing Day *
Cope, Wendy -
Being Boring *
Flowers *
Corso, Gregory -
I Met This Guy Who Died *
Cowley, Abraham -
Beauty (after the Anacreontea)
Drinking (after the Anacreontea)
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock -
Friendship (from A Life for a Life)
Crane, Nathalia -
Our Lovers *
The Reading Boy *
Croce, Jim -
Which way are you goin'? *
Croft, Roy -
Love *
Cullen, Countee -
An Epitaph (For Amy Lowell) *
Cummings, E.E. -
since feeling is first *
You are tired, *
Dacre, Charlotte -
Daniel, Samuel -
Love is a sickness (from Hymen's Triumph)
Care-charmer sleep (from Delia)
Darley, George -
The Joy of Childhood (from Harvest-Home)
Davenant, Sir William -
Where does proud Ambition dwell? (from The Tempest, or The Enchanted Island)
Davies, Sir John -
On a Pair of Garters
De La Mare, Walter -
Deppe, Theodore -
The Russian Greatcoat *
Dickey, James -
The Heaven of Animals *
Dickinson, Emily -
A little Madness in the Spring
"Faith" is a fine invention
Wild Nights - Wild Nights
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant *
Donne, John -
Death be not proud (from Holy Sonnets)
The Baite
Dove, Rita -
Demeter's Prayer to Hades *
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir -
Sexagenarius Loquitur
Drayton, Michael -
Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part (from Idea)
Duffy, Carol Ann -
Mrs. Darwin *
Dunbar, Paul Laurence -
Lager Beer
Merry Autumn
My Little March Girl
The Haunted Oak
The Rising of the Storm
The Rivals
We Wear the Mask
Durrell, Lawrence -
A Ballad of the Good Lord Nelson
Dybek, Stuart -
Current *
Eady, Cornelius -
Radio *
Ellis, George -
The Twelve Months
Elizabeth I, Queen -
On Monsieur's Departure
Emerson, Ralph Waldo -
Ode, Sung in the Town Hall, Concord, July 4, 1857
The Concord Hymn
The Snow-Storm
English Folk Verse -
The Fifth of November
Ephelia -
To One That Asked Me Why I Loved J.G.
To Madam Bhen
Ewart, Gavin -
Office Friendships
Fanthorpe, U.A. -
Nativities *
The Wicked Fairy at the Manger *
Farrar, John Chipman -
Felch, Donald E. -
Fall in the Northland
Fenton, James -
God, A Poem *
Flatman, Thomas -
Advice to an old man of sixty three about to marry
The Batchelors Song.
Fogelberg, Dan -
Same Old Lang Syne
Follen, Eliza Lee -
On the Death of a Beautiful Girl
Forché, Carolyn -
The Visitor
Fried, Erich -
What It Is * (trans. by S. Hood)
Frost, Robert -
A Line-Storm Song
Acquainted With the Night *
The Road Not Taken
The Silken Tent *
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening *
To the Thawing Wind
Gaiman, Neil -
Post-Mortem On Our Love
Garanis, Myrna -
the war is on the kitchen table
Garrison, Theodosia Pickering -
Memorial Day
Gay, John -
To a Lady on Her Passion for Old China
Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson -
Flannan Isle
Gillman, Richard -
All in the Path of a Power Mower
Gilmore, James -
Three Days
Gilmour, David and Moore, Anthony -
On the Turning Away
Gilpin, Laura -
The Two-Headed Calf
Ginsberg, Allen -
A Supermarket in California
Gioia, Dana -
Cleared Away *
Prayer *
Veterans' Cemetery *
Giovanni, Nikki -
And I Have You *
Glück, Louise -
Midnight *
Goldbarth, Albert -
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening *
Grahame, Kenneth -
Carol of the Field-Mice (from The Wind in the Willows)
Graves, Robert -
The Naked and the Nude *
Gray, Agnes Kendrick -
The Shepherd to the Poet
Gray, Thomas -
Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat
Guest, Edgar A. -
Father To Son *
She Powders Her Nose
The Kick Under the Table
Gwynn, R. S. -
Shakespearean Sonnet *
Habing, Geeia Lynn Brodsky -
Three Words
Harrison, George -
Heading for the Light *
Hecht, Anthony -
The Dover Bitch *
Herrick, Robert -
A Ring Presented to Julia
Delight in Disorder
The Hag
Hoffenstein, Samuel -
I shall sing a song to you * (from Poems of Passion Carefully Restrained so as to Offend Nobody)
Holmes, Meredith -
In Praise of My Bed *
Holmes, Oliver Wendell -
To a Blank Sheet of Paper
Hood, Thomas -
Hopkins, Gerard Manley -
Pied Beauty
Spring and Fall
Housman, A.E. -
To an Athlete Dying Young
When I Was One-and-Twenty
Howe, Julia Ward -
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Hughes, Langston -
Evil *
Harlem *
Refugee in America *
Hughes, Ted -
Perfect Light *
Hunt, Leigh -
Jenny Kissed Me
Irwin, Mark -
My Father's Hats *
Jackson, Helen Hunt -
October's Bright Blue Weather
Jeffers, Robinson -
The Bloody Sire
Jiménez, Juan Ramón -
"O painter who painted me" *
Johnson, Lionel -
Celtic Speech
Jones, Richard -
White Towels *
Jonson, Ben -
The faiery beame upon you (from The Masque of the Gypsies)
Still to Be Neat
Justice, Donald -
Counting the Mad
Keats, John -
Give me women, wine, and snuff
O love me truly!
To Autumn
Kennedy, X.J. -
Nude Descending a Staircase *
Key, Francis Scott -
The Star-Spangled Banner
When the Warrior Returns
King, Stephen -
Brooklyn August (for Jim Bishop)
Kingsley, Charles -
Easter Week
Young and Old (from The Water Babies)
Kinnell, Galway -
After Making Love We Hear Footsteps *
Kipling, Rudyard -
The Choice
The Female of the Species
Koch, Kenneth -
Schoolyard in April *
Koertge, Ronald -
Sidekicks *
Krajenka, Christopher -
October is Speaking
Kumin, Maxine -
Kunitz, Stanley -
Death in Moonlight *
Sotto Voce *
The Bottom of the Glass *
Langworthy, Christian Nguyen -
Sons Without Fathers
Lathrap, Mary T. -
A Woman's Answer to a Man's Question
Lawrence, D.H. -
Bavarian Gentians *
Conundrums *
Lazarus, Emma -
The New Colossus
Levertov, Denise -
Eye Mask *
Hymn to Eros *
The Thread *
Lewis, C. Day -
Song *
Lightfood, Gordon -
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald *
Lincoln, Abraham -
from My Childhood-Home I See Again
You Are Young
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth -
A Psalm of Life
It Is Not Always May
Paul Revere's Ride
Lovelace, Richard -
To Lucasta, Going to the Wars
Lowell, Amy -
A Grave Song
To a Friend
Venus Transiens
Magee, John Gillespie Jr. -
High Flight
Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle -
Love and Poetry
Marlowe, Christopher -
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Who Ever Loved, That Loved Not at First Sight? (from Hero and Leander)
Marquis, Don -
The Genius of the Vague
Martial -
The Danger of Procrastination (trans. by A. Cowley)
Marvell, Andrew -
To his Coy Mistress
Masters, Edgar Lee -
Griffy the Cooper
Hod Putt
Mathews, Esther -
McKay, Claude
If We Must Die
McCluskey, Katharine Wisner
McCrae, John -
In Flanders Fields
McGinley, Phyllis -
V-Day *
Mead, Margaret -
Meredith, William -
The Illiterate
Merwin, W.S. -
Losing a Language
Meuttman, Margaret Moore -
Meynell, Alice -
November Blue
Mickiewicz, Adam -
Good Evening * (trans. by M. J. Mikos)
Millay, Edna St. Vincent -
Love Is Not All *
Miller, E. Ethelbert -
Lovers More Than Sisters *
Milosz, Czeslaw-
Meaning *
Moore, Clement Clarke -
A Visit from St. Nicholas
Moore, Thomas -
'Tis the Last Rose of Summer
Morey, Larry -
Little April Shower
Morgan, Edwin -
Morley, Christopher -
Hymn to the Dairymaids on Beacon Street
Inscription for a Grammar *
Scuttle, scuttle, little roach (from Nursery Rhymes for the Tender-Hearted)
To You, Remembering the Past
Moult, Thomas -
In Their Glad Playing-Time *
Mueller, Lisel -
All Night *
Romantics *
Muir, Edwin -
The Transmutation *
Nash, Ogden -
Portrait of the Artist as a Prematurely Old Man
Nelson, Steve and Rollins, Jack -
Frosty the Snowman
Nemerov, Howard -
Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry *
Neruda, Pablo -
Love Sonnet 52 * (trans. by S. Tapscott)
Love Sonnet 81 * (trans. by S. Tapscott)
Newling, Bruce, E. -
Jenny Merely Kissed Me *
Newton, Byron Rufus -
Owed to New York
Norworth, Jack -
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Noyes, Alfred -
Daddy Fell into the Pond *
The Bee in Church
The Highwayman
O'Gorman, Ned -
The Kiss
Olcott, Chauncey and Graff, George, Jr. -
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Otomo no Yakamochi -
From outside my house * (trans. by S. Hamill)
Late evening finally * (trans. by S. Hamill)
Owen, Wilfred -
Dulce et Decorum Est
Paine, Robert Treat -
Adams and Liberty
Parker, Dorothy -
Indian Summer *
One Perfect Rose *
The Leal *
Peele, Geoorge -
Hot sunne, coole fire,
Pfeiffer, Emily -
Any Husband to Many a Wife
Pigott, Mostyn T. -
The Hundred Best Books
Pinsky, Robert -
Plath, Sylvia -
Full Fathom Five *
Mirror *
Po Chü-i -
Lazy Man's Song (trans. by A. Waley)
Poe, Edgar Allan -
The Conqueror Worm
The Raven
Pomeroy, Marnie -
January 1 *
Pope, Alexander -
'T is hard to say (from An Essay on Criticism)
Universal Prayer
Powell, Craig -
Boy and Girl *
Quasimodo, Salvatore -
Quynh, Xuan -
Summer * (trans. by C. Forché and N.B.Chung)
Ralegh, Sir Walter -
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan -
All Boy *
Always Hungry *
Rice, Grantland -
The Vanished Country
Riesco, Rod -
Announcement *
Riley, James Whitcomb -
A Boy's Mother
Dead Leaves
Ike Walton's Prayer
Little Orphant Annie
The Bat
Rilke, Rainer Maria -
God Speaks to Each of Us * (from The Book of a Monastic Life - trans. by A. Barrows and J. Macy)
She Who Reconciles * (from The Book of a Monastic Life - trans. by A. Barrows and J. Macy)
Ritchie, Elisavietta -
Elegy for the Other Woman *
Sorting Laundry *
Robinson, Edwin Arlington -
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt -
Comedy and Tragedy
The Path That Leads Nowhere
Robinson, Mary -
January, 1795
Roethke, Theodore -
"Long Live the Weeds"
Rose, Billy -
The Unknown Soldier *
Rossetti, Christina -
They Lie at Rest
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel -
Sudden Light
Rukeyser, Muriel -
Myth *
Waiting for Icarus *
Russell, Sydney King -
Midsummer *
Sandburg, Carl -
Sant' Angelo, Bartolomeo di -
Sonnet: He Jests Concerning His Poverty
Sappho -
Ode out of Longinus (trans. by W. Bowles)
Sassoon, Siegfried -
The Dragon and the Undying
Scafidi, Steve -
Prayer for a Marriage *
Scott, Frederick George -
The Unnamed Lake
Scott, Tommy -
Female of the Species
Service, Robert -
My Madonna
The Cremation of Sam McGee
Seuss, Dr. -
My Uncle Terwilliger Waltzes with Bears *
Sexton, Anne -
The Farmer's Wife
Shakespeare, William -
Ariel's Song (from The Tempest)
Double, Double Toil and Trouble (from Macbeth)
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
Spring (from Love's Labour's Lost)
Sheehan, Julie -
Hate Poem *
Shelley, Percy Bysshe -
Sherman, Richard M. and Robert B. -
A Spoonful of Sugar
Sidney, Sir Philip -
Loving in Truth
Silverstein, Shel -
The Unicorn Song
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Simms, William Gilmore -
The Swamp Fox
Slessor, Kenneth -
Cannibal Street *
Smith, Horace -
Snodgrass, W.D. -
Hall of Mirrors *
Song *
The Capture of Mr. Sun *
Sorrells, Helen -
From a Correct Address in a Suburb of a Major City
Sousa, John Philip -
The Stars and Stripes Forever
Stafford, William -
Our Story *
With Kit, Age 7, at the Beach *
Starkey, Mike -
Somewhere in Suburbia
Sterling, George -
The Black Vulture
Stevens, Wallace -
The World as Meditation *
Strand, Mark -
The Prediction
Sullivan, Alan -
Divide and Conquer
Sun Yün-Fêng -
Starting at Dawn * (trans. by K. Rexroth and L. Chung)
Swartzwelder, John -
We Do (The Stonecutter's Song)
Swift, Jonathan -
The Lady's Dressing Room
Swinburne, Algernon Charles -
A Match
Szymborska, Wislawa -
Going Home * (trans. by S. Baranczak and C. Cavanagh)
In Praise of Self-Depreciation * (trans. by M. J. Krynski and R. A. Maguire)
Tate, Nahum -
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
Taylor, Bayard -
Bedouin Song
Taylor, James Pete -
"wreath of misty breathy words of..."
Teasdale, Sara -
Ebb Tide
On a March Day *
The Look
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord -
Bugle Song (from The Princess)
I envy not in any moods (from In Memoriam A.H.H.)
I sometimes hold it half a sin (from In Memoriam A.H.H.)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky (from In Memoriam A.H.H.)
Thayer, Ernest Lawrence -
Casey at the Bat
Thomas, R.S. -
The Moor *
Thomson, James -
Torrents Pour (from Summer)
Tipping, Richard -
When You're Feeling Kind of Bonkers
Tolkien, J.R.R. -
I sit beside the fire and think * (from The Fellowship of the Ring)
Tomlinson, Ralph -
The Anacreontic Song
Toomer, Jean -
Evening Song *
Towne, Charles Hanson -
At Nightfall
Trãn Thái-Tông, King -
To the monk Dúc Son at Thanh-phong Monastery * (trans. by Huynh Sanh Thông)
Twain, Mark -
Battle Hymn of the Republic (Brought Down to Date) *
Untermeyer, Louis -
Walter De La Mare Tells His Listeners About Jack and Jill
Van Duyn, Mona -
A Quiet Afternoon at Home *
Views *
Van Dyke, Henry -
America for Me
Righteous Wrath
from The Fall of the Leaves
The Foolish Fir-Tree
Violi, Paul -
Appeal to the Grammarians *
Von Schoultz, Solveig -
The Lover
Voznesensky, Andrei -
Fire in the Architectural Institute
Wakoski, Diane -
Aging *
Smoke *
Walcott, Derek -
Midsummer, Tobago *
Wallace, William Ross -
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World
Walsh, Chad -
Variations on Ecclesiastes *
Walton, Eda Lou -
I Should Like to Live in a Ballad World
Warren, Robert Penn -
Autumnal Equinox on Mediterranean Beach *
The Limited *
Wayman, Tom -
Did I Miss Anything? *
Whitman, Walt -
I Hear America Singing
O Captain! My Captain!
Still Lies the Midnight (from Song of Myself)
The Best of Time and Space (from Song of Myself)
When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
Whittier, John Greenleaf -
The Pumpkin
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler -
Friendship After Love
Williams, Miller -
The Shrinking Lonesome Sestina *
Williams, William Carlos -
Raleigh Was Right *
Wilson, Jesse H., Jr. -
The Last Party
Witt, Harold -
Genesis *
Wolfe, Humbert -
The Waters of Life
Wordsworth, William -
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802
The world is too much with us
Wright, Richard -
Haiku 302, 303, and 304 *
Wu-ti -
Autumn Wind (trans. by A. Waley)
Wylie, Elinor -
Nonsense Rhyme *
Witches *
Yeats, William Butler -
Leda and the Swan *
The Second Coming
When You Are Old
Yosano Akiko -
Following his bath * (trans. by S. Hamill)
Zimmer, Paul -
The Day Zimmer Lost Religion *