Agnes Kendrick Gray (fl. 1916)
Och, what's the good o' spinnin' words
As fine as silken thread?
Will "golden gorse upon the hill"
Be gold to buy ye bread?
An' while ye're list'nin' in th' glen
"To catch the thrush's lay,"
Your thatch is scattered be th' wind,
Your sheep have gone astray.
Th' time ye're afther makin' rhymes
O' leppin' waves an' sea,
Arrah! ye should be sellin' then
Your lambs upon th' quay.
Sure, 'tis God's ways is very quare,
An' far beyant my ken,
How o' the selfsame clay he makes
Poets an' useful men!
The above poem originally appeared in the Boston Transcript. It can be found in:
Braithwaite, William Stanley, ed. Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1916. New York:
Laurence J. Gomme, 1916.