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          Phyllis McGinley (1905-1978)


First Line:   Savor the hour as it comes. Preserve it in amber.

Victory in Europe (V-E) Day was May 8, 1945. It is celebrated
in much of Eastern Europe on May 9th. Victory over Japan
(V-J) Day was August 15, 1945 (celebrated on the 14th in the
United States due to the differences in times zones).

The above poem is protected by copyright and cannot be
displayed without permission of the copyright holder. It can be
found in:

  • McGinley, Phyllis. Times Three: Selected Verse from Three
    Decades with Seventy New Poems
    . New York, NY: Viking
    Press, 1968.

    McGinley was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1961
    for Times Three (first published in 1960).